Consortium Partner
Brainport Development


Brainport Development (BPD) is a new style regional development agency that works with representatives from industry, knowledge institutions and public authorities to strengthen the Dutch Brainport top technology region. High Tech Systems and Materials, Food, Automotive, Lifetec and Design are focal sectors in this R&D-intensive manufacturing region. BPD encourages and develops regional and (inter)national projects and programmes and promotes Brainport at home and abroad. It facilitates regional industry through business advice and funding, incubation facilities and business premises/centres.

Brainport Development is the core orchestrator of the Eindhoven region innovation ecosystem: stimulating research in ground-breaking economically high potential (key enabling) technologies and building dedicated clusters to take up research results and help translate them into relevant applications while building NL and EU-rooted economic activity. Brainport Development supports companies active in these clusters: locally through its core support services, as well as on a national and European level through networking/value chain building and through policy work regarding regulations and funding.

Role in FF2020

Brainport Development is responsible for project coordination and leads Work Package 1.


Eindhoven, The Netherlands