FF2020 advancing UAM roles: ISO standards development
Nathy Ercol

26 June 2023

FF2020 News
LinkedIn   23.07.2023

On 22 June, Filippo Tomasello, FF2020's Regulations Manager and Senior Partner at EuroUSC Italia, presented at the ISO/TC 20/SC 16 Plenary Meeting in Seoul, South Korea. During his session, he discussed the evolving landscape of job profiles in the Urban Air Mobility (UAM) sector.

A key highlight of the presentation was the discussion around the potential inclusion of the Fleet Manager's task, as proposed by FF2020, in the upcoming third editions of ISO 21384-3 (UAS Operations) and ISO 23665 (Training). This consideration marks a significant step forward in the standardisation of UAM roles.

This development is particularly noteworthy as it underscores the disruptive nature of drones, requiring adapted or new job profiles. While the remote pilot is a well-known figure in the drone industry, other roles, such as the EVLOS (Extended Visual Line of Sight) Observer and the Fleet Manager are gaining prominence. The ISO standards are poised to become global benchmarks for these new professions, leading the way in the professionalisation of the UAM sector.

We extend our congratulations to Filippo for his instrumental role in pushing these developments forward. His efforts underscore FF2020's commitment to shaping the future of Urban Air Mobility.

Keep an eye out for updates on these standards and their potential impact on the field!

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