Nathy Ercol
23 March 2022
EINDHOVEN, 23 March 2022 – Flying Forward 2020 (FF2020), a three-year research project focusing on the development of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) solutions and funded by the European Union, launched a collaborative network with several other EU-funded projects and initiatives in the last year, to which CIVATAglobal is now part of. The purpose of the coalition is to create an end-to-end chain of UAM solutions by enhancing knowledge transfer and exploiting the synergy between the cooperating parties.
Together with CIVATAglobal, the global trade association of the UAM and the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) sectors, FF2020 is looking to further explore concepts and developments related to unmanned aircraft operations. Their collaboration aims to help ensure a safe and efficient system for future air transport in populated cities and regions.
To this end, FF2020 will also support and participate in the CIVATAglobal Urban Air Planning Forum, which will take place in Coventry City on 10 and 11 May 2022. The event will gather local European governments and stakeholders to plan and celebrate opportunities and rapid advancements in Urban Air Mobility. It also includes a tour of the world's first Urban-Air Port in Coventry City Centre, designed for drones of all sizes and vertical take-off passenger vehicles.
“As Urban Air Mobility introduces a third dimension – underground, ground, and now air – the need for cities to transition from urban planning to urban air planning becomes increasingly necessary. Together with our partner, CIVATAglobal, we are committed to enhancing awareness of this development, providing best practices, and connecting the public and private sector to help in the implementation of UAM and AAM in cities in compliance with EU regulations.”
Arthur Dallau, Impact Coordinator at FF2020
For more information about the Urban Air Planning Forum, please visit the UAMKonnect platform – a global platform for Urban Air Mobility professionals, organisations, governments and other stakeholders:
For further details about the FF2020 project, go to For media inquiries about FF2020, please get in touch with Nathy Ercol at
About Flying Forward 2020
Flying Forward 2020 (FF2020) is a three-year research project funded by the European Union. The project focuses on developing a new Urban Air Mobility (UAM) ecosystem by incorporating this new form of mobility within the geospatial data infrastructure of cities. FF2020 is creating an entire state-of-the-art geospatial UAM ecosystem. It includes a governance model and framework, a regulatory framework, a geospatial digital infrastructure, a digital toolbox, an Identity of Things (IDoT) scheme, and an interoperability framework. The solutions developed during the project will be tested in five living labs across Europe: Eindhoven, Milan, Zaragoza, Tartu and Oulu. For more information, visit
About CIVATAglobal
The Civic Air Transport Association (CIVATAglobal) is the global trade association of the urban air mobility (UAM) and the advanced air mobility (AAM) sectors, bringing together cities, local governments, industry and regulators in a single global community. CIVATAglobal is a forum to share experiences, plans, access information resources and work together on enabling the successful introduction of safe, profitable, environmentally responsible urban air mobility operations, from small unmanned air system (sUAS) missions to urban air taxi networks and inter-city services. For more information, visit